Blog for the Electronic Engineering class of 2005. Everyone welcome to post whatever pleases them. Share info, news, request for help, etc.

Someone once said that graduating from an institution with some diploma/degree condemns people to corporate slavery and throws them right into the rat race. This, in a nutshell, means that once you graduate, you look for a job and you work yourself to death (read: until you die) trying to make enough money to live la dolce vitaA few make it and live the good life - and spend the rest of their lives trying to pay back the bank loans they used to finance the good life, and yet others get stuck in trying to make enough money to even be considered for a decent loan by the bank.

Lately a lot of people I chat to seem to be leaning towards entrepreneurship. Sadly, most of them have diplomas and degrees, and decent jobs that keep them firmly in the rat race. From what I can see, the problem is mostly time related...people don't seem to have time to mature their business ideas and hence they stay as just ideas. As the saying goes, an idea that never gets executed is no better than an idea that never was. So how do we solve this time problem? Well, this is where this bit comes in...! My idea (which I've already put in action by putting together this page) is that if someone comes up with a business idea, we'll post it on this site, then interested people can put their heads together to develop the idea and mature it. As they are developing the idea, they can keep all of us informed of the developments (just so we can see if this platform helps at all). Positive feedback is a powerful motivator - more powerful than any motivational speaker!

So, drop me an e-mail with your business ideas and I'll post them up here! If you have better suggestions of how we can solve the time issue, your comments are most welcome.