Blog for the Electronic Engineering class of 2005. Everyone welcome to post whatever pleases them. Share info, news, request for help, etc.

Friday, August 24, 2007

On 4:08 PM by NUST EE 2005   24 comments
Hi guys...

Seeing I'm on a long holiday (several weeks) I had a lot of time to blow in between sleeping, eating and looking for a job! As a result I managed to update contact details for all you good and evil people and even managed to start a blog - and put up the first posting!! Of course it doesn't take 5 minutes to do this sort of thing but...I would have expected myself to be the last person to think of such a thing...and actually do it! This sort of thing is for ex-journalists like Hle, Godden, and of course, General Major Curthbert Chirenda. There are a few others who also seemed fond of this sort of thing but they had some limitations (especially English and computing skills). Please don't ask me who these are because I certainly will not tell you.

Coming back to this blog, I thought it would be a good substitute for mass mails because some people open a heap of addresses and never check them! They just think its cool when they give their students - female students - many different e-mail addresses coz it makes them look very learned - or so they think :) I had a heap of e-mails bouncing back because the e-mail accounts have since been closed blah-blah-blah. Anyway, there are just one or two rules which I hope we will all, as educated Engineers as we are, adhere to.

Rule 1. You can post anything you want to - no restrictions. Adult content should be sent directly to the target person's e-mail - we don't want to be caught in a cross fire!
Rule 2. As you read this, make sure you go to Favourites, then select "Add to favourites" so you won't have to go to your e-mail each time to find the url to this site. Those of you who are surfing from a cafe (That's close to 75% of you unfortunately), you might want to reserve a few kilobytes of memory in your tiny brains for the url - very easy to remember - (Nust Electronic Engineering class of 2005 blog), easy, right? And for the few surfing from their personal machines, you're better off making it your home page!!
Rule 3. All the above rules are not important to follow except for rule number one and rule number 3.

Hope to be seeing your posts soon!


Unknown said...

Well done Dings!

Its about time someone got around to setting up something like this...after all it is almost 2008, and our class is scattered over the globe!

madondo said...

well done young man, you have now matured.

NUST EE 2005 said...

David, David, David...there're so many of you - ok, maybe not many but still, more than one so I suggest you call yourselves David U and David M - or something like that...

NUST EE 2005 said... won't believe what I heard!!?? One of the songs from DJ Ringie's 17 and a half track album! For those who don't know, one of our very own x-classmates Admire Ringai Nyagura (affectionately known to some as Ringie) aka DJ Ringie aka DJ Ringson released a 17 and a half track album early this year. The album, a gospel-cum-house was sold out in Botswana where quite a number of copies (around 100) had been delivered. In Zimbabwe, one or two copies could be found from some bookshops and some piraters who managed to get hold of the album. Efforts to get DJ Ringson to upload one or two of his hit songs have proved futile so far but if there are any ladies (and persuasive guys) out there who can be of assistance, please e-mail him and ask him to upload just one song. I believe we have very good critics that can help him grow in his music career but positively criticising his hit...

On a sad note, I hear there is a critical shortage of Cotton Wool and Sanitary pads in THE country! Fortunately for you guys there is Charlse Mahlanze out there and I hear he's somewhere farming cotton or in cotton farms - one of the two! Bro, please help...! The situation is really pathetic

madondo said...

where is admire in the first place.

Mhukahuru said...

Good thinking Dingz!So,please start throwing those job vacancies for the benefit of all!

Unknown said...

This is cool man

Unknown said...

Dingz, what yu need now to do is to create something where we can chat in real time. Hope yu gat the time- yu can go for onother holiday

NUST EE 2005 said...

Hi guys...

Thanks for the comments. I was thinking of something like that Edgar...will see how it goes. The easiest thing to do for now would be to just find a good chat site and create a "room" for us (Nust EE 2005). Will see what we can do about that...

And David...the last time I saw Admire he was in Zim but was due to come to SA with intentions of meeting DJ Cleo, S'bu and such people. I think his music career is really taking off. Of course he doesn't sing - and neither can he play any instrument, but, thanx to NUST he can use a computer and - what more, he can COPY!

Thomas...thanks for the comment but, to post jobs I'll certainly need to register a domain, create a website and make it a full time job - and you guys will have to pay me for it :) If I do hear something interesting though I'll certainly post it so keep checking. Oh, and by the way...this goes for everyone. If there's anything interesting please let us know...we all need good jobs!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NUST EE 2005 said...

Hey guys...seeing most of you are no longer "learning", I bet you have enough time to blow when you get home. Anyone watching BBA2, or Idols? Any comments?

Mhukahuru said...

Dingz!I hear that you shud be charged with externalising yourself!!Is it true that you aren`t residing in the 'sovereign' motherland??

NUST EE 2005 said...

Eeish...that depends Thomas. It depends on your definition of Motherland, and Residing. To try and make it simple though (that's what Engineers should be doing, right? Making life simpler!), I'm still residing in the Motherland, but I'm currently on Holiday - moving around Southern Africa. That's clear, right? Like Andrew used to say...I think I have explained fully, I can even feel it myself!

NUST EE 2005 said...

Friday, pay day...! If I had my way, I'd get paid every week instead of having to wait for a month - and I'll be paying my rentals weekly, my ZESA bill weekly, and everything else (except people that I owe). That way, I won't need a bank account, and neither will I need to sink in debt like I'm doing right now. Guys, I need some help (financially, ONLY), I owe people more than my 5 months salary - and that's not right! An uncle of mine though used to say that people should always owe others so that they get prayed for. I mean, the people that I owe millions are probably always praying for me - praying that I survive, and that I don't lose my job just so that I can give them their monies back. Once I run out of debt...I'll run out of prayers and will have to depend on mine alone. So, sinking in debt as I am, its still goood to know there's a good thing that comes out of it - prayers! Every cloud has a silver lining for sure!

NUST EE 2005 said...

Its a small world we're leaving in...! So, I've been in Harare for about two years now and there're some people I'd never met - like Masarira, Mumba, and the like! And then, I come to SA for just one month - and guess who I meet...? MASARIRA! And he tells me he's only been in SA for about 3 wks...and all along he was in Harare!! Strange for sure!

Oh, and by the way, I also met Mnkandla - you guys remember him? He now has a PhD in Software Engineering (of all things) and is now lecturing in South Africa...! And guess where I met all these people...?? In church - I never knew that Mnkandla was a christian/church-goer before that :)

NUST EE 2005 said...

Hey guys...

I haven't been on-line for a couple of days for several reasons...! For starters I had gone on "holiday" in the city of Newcastle, down in KZN (KwaZulu-Natal). As some of you might be thinking already, NO I was not going to look for my long lost relatives, and NO there are no people walking around in Kilts either! I was just there on holiday - just trying to have a bit of fun - clean fun. The only thing worth talking about is probably the gorgeous Indian girl who was manning the reception at the hotel where I put up. Besides that...there isn't much to write home about. The second reason why I haven't been on-line, is that I sold my precious phone that ensured I was on-line "on the go"! I'm not a fan of selling stuff but, well, I guess there are things that are important - and things that are more important than others!!

Anyway, just thought I'd share this interesting video with all y'all. Those with a slow internet connection I'm afraid you'll have to be patient :) You need not to think ahead when viewing this video. All I can say though is, damn...the guy's an artist! Find the video here:


Nyagura said...

Man your blog doesn't conform with A.I.P.A. Could you please register it at G.P.O so that we can have good grounds of suing you..
On your issue of music, please consult my manager or lawyer for comments. Celebreties rarely comment to such media............

NUST EE 2005 said...

What did I tell you about these Zimbos? Someone releases one CD that sells two digit copies and plays on no radio station and all of a sudden they think they're celebrities...talking about A.I.P.A. and stuff??!! Man...!! You should be paying me instead that I've "advertised" your album - and told people where to get it from (me) lol! On, a more serious note though, can people still get it? Its Gospel so I know one or two people might be interested...! Plus, its got a kwaito feel to it so even more people might want to hear it :o) Talking of Kwaito, anybody knows where Pedzi is? And how about Butho?

Nyagura said...

Ok.. Engineers and Zimbabweans in particular can do multiple jobs concurrently. Take for instance the UK Diaspora who become child minders and teachers at the same time. You're a web developer as well as an Electronic Engineer. Domeck is both a pastor and Engineer, Madondo is more of a politician than an Engineer, Muhamba is a jack of all trades, Thomas is a prophet as well as an Engineer,Chirindo even got three trades, CIO,Police Officer, Engineer, Emma and others are also both house wifes and engineers so i'm no exception..

NUST EE 2005 said...

Classic Admire, classic! Hle is actually even more multi-tasking. Apart from his formal job, he plays soccer, still does tae-kwondo, and, some of you didn't know this, you will soon be seeing him on your TVs (those with DsTV) racing down on his Ducati!! Yes, he's into the superbike thing - the MotoGP stuff! Professionally, he's really busy as well. He's currently developing a Space toilet. I know it sounds simple - just a toilet to be used in space - but it's more complicated than that! For starters gravity doesn't work there so imagine yourself in the loo, and all that you're deficating basically just floats? For you to stay in your seat actually takes effort so it'll need to have seat-belts and stuff! Its some really complicated thing! Apparently he code-named this project "The $#!+ Project" - I'm not exactly sure why though but, well, you know Hle guys! Well, we'll hear from him when the project is finished to give us an idea of how he cleared some of the hurdles he faced and stuff.

Oh, I was talking to some guys and they were complaining that Mr Ndoro is always on-line (googletalk) but never responds to any messages. Apparently it is rumoured that he's developing the next OS - after Vista. He either works for Microsoft, or is a Microsoft partner, or both. Please note that this information hasn't been confirmed yet so I shall not be held responsible for mis-information.

Nyagura said...

Hie Guys
It seems most of these ex UBAs have started being too serious at work again thinking they will get a pay rise.. So guys whos now driving and whos not...
I mean cars not vehicles..
And whos now married to a wife as beautiful as Emma

Mhukahuru said...

Long time guys!!Whats up with the silence considering the fact that some of you are ever "green" on gmail?Yeah,we wud wanna know huz married hu and staff!Well, m still a victim of the Bob regime and hoppin to emancipate(hope thts the spelling!) myself anytime soon!Pliz,Admire and fellow diasporians HELP!!kwekusvikira zvako!(not kwekusvi****,Tsano!)

Nyagura said...

Now that the media laws have been reformed to enable people like Thomas to express their dirty minds, i hope people will now start posting some stories. I know most of you (in Zimbabwe)are probably not happy about the outcome of the Presidential polls as we are heading for a re-run of unknown results. We all just hope Gono prints more money to finance another election and again assign better mathematicians to miscount,collate and re-elect the former president. This will be the best news we are all hoping for as the Pound, Rand,Pula, US$ will be trading in trillions agains the ZIM$. Maybe we can then afford marriage...

Eng L Gunda said...

Why was this your first and last man.